Ettor&Niess Logo
Ruka držiaca sušienku
Muž v obleku, ktorý padá, zachránený látkou webovej stránky, ktorá pod ňou odhaľuje modrú farbu.

We are attorneys who will represent you in a qualified manner in the world of legal norms and institutions.

Our story

Oranžový štvorec zakrýva tvár muža, ktorý má na sebe čierny rolák.

Behind the mask

In Roman law, the term persona originally referred to a theatrical mask that represented a certain type of person.
Karel Beran • The Concept of Juristic Person
Modrý tvar zakrýva tvár muža, ktorý má na sebe čierny rolák. Biela čiara sa mu prepletá v blízkosti tváre.

The language
of power

Without exceeding the norm,
progress is not possible.
Frank Zappa
Žltý trojuholník zakrýva tvár muža v čiernom roláku. Trojuholník smeruje opačným smerom ako tvár.

Averted face

Once the wheels of the criminal machinery start rolling, they are hard to stop.
Vladimír Mathern

About us

We will represent you in these legal fields

News and articles

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As with any relationship, legal relationships also need to be taken care of. Whether it is relatives, friends, employees, business partners, or relations with the state – quality care means less time and energy devoted to resolving disputes. Sometimes, however, nothing can protect against conflict, and then it is necessary to provide legal relations with intensive assistance in the form of efficient and quick dispute resolution.

Leave the complex care of your  legal relations to us and invest your time and energy in something more pleasant.

Trojuholník kruh a obdĺžnikStrongman držiaci závažie nad hlavou